Our Promise


Our certified video journalists, combined with our master editors, will weave the sights and sounds of your wedding together with music to create a breathtaking masterpiece. Our full range of video services include photo montages, wedding documentaries, and same day editing which allows you to watch your ceremony highlights at your reception.

The videographer will get to the church before you to catch your arrival and shoot the church prior to starting your ceremony. We will catch the grand-parents, parents, and bridal party walking down the isle prior to your grand entrance. We will video tape most of the ceremony not missing any readings, prayers, or candlelight vidual. After the ceremony the videographer will set up outside the church to get the all so famous bride and groom leaving the church.

The videographer will get to the reception hall to get your arrival to the banquet hall as husband and wife. We will roam the room during cocktail hour and dinner hour (without putting the camera in peoples faces) in hopes to get most of your guests recorded on video. We will catch all the highlights of the evening including introductions, dinner prayer, toasts, first dance, bridal party dance, bouquet and garter, mother/son dance, father/daughter dance, and lots of dancing and fun. We will also do interviews with the most important people in your life.

Add a touch of class to your reception by having your guests view a montage of photos of you and your new spouse from the time you were babies to present. Your parents will love it and your guests will too!

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